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Mark Llobrera

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“Prototyping Your Workflow” Links

Update (2014-06-10): Jon Yablonski has put together a fantastic resource at Web Design Field Manual.*

In my recent article for A List Apart, “Prototyping Your Workflow”, I wrote:

There’s a seductive danger present whenever you see someone else outline their way of working, however. It’s easy to take their process as a rigid, universal truth. The trouble is, you and your team aren’t like everyone else—you have different strengths and weaknesses. Borrowing someone else’s process wholesale ignores the fact that it probably took them lots of fumbling to get to that point, and it’s going to take plenty of experimentation on your team’s part to figure out what works for you.

That wasn’t written to dismiss what people are sharing. Quite the opposite—you absolutely should be paying attention to how people are approaching their process, because it’s near-impossible to come up with something that works well all by yourself. So in that spirit, here’s a number of links to pieces that I keep returning to when I think about process. Some are philosophical, some are technical, but they’ve all helped me in some way:

Each of those people above didn’t have to take the time to write and share about how they’re approaching their process, but they did, and I’m so very grateful for their generosity. If you’re writing about this stuff, or have your own favorite links/touchstones, please share them with our community—the more we talk openly about these things, the more we’ll be able to help our clients and ourselves.