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Mark Llobrera

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Robin Rendle on Blogging with Eleventy

Robin Rendle boils it down in his post, “Eleventy and Netlify”:

What do I need now? Well, I just need a box to type markdown in and a button to publish it.

Robin’s journey reflects a lot of how I’m approaching the future of this blog. I’ve basically narrowed it down to three broad choices:

Of those three choices I was initially most excited about using Gatsby, mostly because I find the component model of React to be helpful (in some cases). Gatsby has been iterating at a very fast pace, however, and I find that it’s always been a struggle to keep up with the tooling.

Eleventy feels like a more narrowly-focused option, and I like that (thus the quote from Robin above). I’m going to dig into it some more (I particularly have some questions on how search would work) but I was glad to see Robin documenting his decision-making process, as well as his journey through his new blog infrastructure.