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Mark Llobrera

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Vulture: “‘Heel It Now, Dig?’: Rian Johnson Revisits the Mystery of Brick

Looking back at his film “Brick”, Rian Johnson describes how dialogue choices helped with the budget constraints:

We weren’t going to be able to create expressive sets. We weren’t going to be able to go to town with production design. It was just going to look like a high-school movie, until somebody opened their mouth. Once they did, you then knew this was something different. You had to prick up your ears and figure out what this world was. It was making sure that the audience felt secure in that disconnect of being in a fantasy land. This is more Blue Velvet than The River’s Edge.

Brick isn’t my favorite Rian Johnson film — I really like the meta-commentary on filmmaking in “The Brothers Bloom”, which also features Rinko Kikuchi’s amazing character, Bang Bang:

GIF of scene from The Brothers Bloom, with Bang Bang lowering binoculars while saying "Fuck Me."