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Mark Llobrera

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RIP TextWrangler

Bare Bones, on TextWrangler’s future:

What you may not know is that last July, we released BBEdit 11.6. You can use this version unlicensed, forever, for free. Without a license, BBEdit now includes all of the features that TextWrangler offers, plus quite a few others. That’s right. You no longer have to pick between them.
If this sounds like TextWrangler will eventually be sunsetted, you’re right; it will.

FWIW TextWrangler was always my go-to text editor if I had to do a simple find-and-replace in a massive text file (like a SQL dump). Where Sublime and TextMate would choke and beachball, TextWrangler always came through. Good to see that an unlicensed BBEdit version carries the torch.

(via 9to5Mac)