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Mark Llobrera

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Spotify Testing the Lossless Waters

Micah Singleton for The Verge:

Spotify is preparing to launch a lossless audio version of its streaming service, according to multiple sources. The offering, which is currently called Spotify Hi-Fi, will offer lossless CD-quality audio to users — similar to what Tidal offers in its Hi-Fi service.

I’m a Tidal Hi-Fi user, and I’ve been pretty happy with the service. I started out using Rdio, switched to Mog (then Beats, then Apple Music). The combination of Apple Music’s lower sound quality and baffling UI led me back to Rdio, then Spotify, and finally Tidal. I’d probably remain on Tidal even if Spotify offers a Hi-Fi tier—I actually find Tidal to be a more straightforward experience on both the desktop and iOS app. (YMMV, of course.)